Tusco Rifle Club Constitution

( As amended date January 09, 2025 )
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NOTATION: The original constitution prepared and adopted October 8, 1938 and the amended constitution adopted December 14, 2005, January 10, 2001, January 1, 1979, and June 11, 1997 will be used as and for reference purposes only. This revised and amended constitution will govern the Tusco Rifle Club Incorporated.

The name and location of this incorporated organization shall be:

Tusco Rifle Club Incorporated
2132 Midvale Mine Road S.E., County Road 67
Goshen Township, Tuscarawas County
Dennison, Ohio 44621




  1. All interested persons of good repute and standing in the lawful, safe, and responsible ownership, possession, control, transportation, exchange, transfer, and use of arms for their enjoyment and happiness, ensuring a means of preserving life, liberty, security and defense of self, others and lawful government.
  2. All types of shooting, recreational shooting sports and related activities, shooting competitions and the excellence in them.
  3. The instruction of and training in the safe handling, possession and responsible use of all types of arms in any and all lawful manners and in their attendant needs.
  4. Fine fellowship, friendship and the free exchange of ideas between and with all those concerned or involved with the lawful, safe, responsible ownership, possession, handling and use of arms.
  5. The public safety, law and order, and local, state and national defense.
  6. The training of law enforcement officers, the armed forces including all branches or divisions of the militia, and all other competent persons of good repute and in good standing in the safe, responsible ownership, use and handling of arms and in the marksmanship skills of them.
  7. Hunter safety skills and safe hunting, and the enjoyment and wise use of the natural resources including the renewable wildlife resources.
  8. The education and responsible conduct and growth of our youth as they will be tomorrow's local, state, and national leaders, including but not limited to, an appreciation of our natural resources and the outdoors and the need for protecting these valuable resources as well as the wise use of them; and the instruction and training in the safe, responsible handling and use of arms and an excellence in the marksmanship skills of them.
  9. Membership in the National Rifle Association of America among all members and potential members of Tusco Rifle Club.





  1. Requirements
    1. Members must not be prohibited by any state or federal laws from purchasing, owning, possessing, or using firearms.
    2. Members must be (18) eighteen years of age or older.
    3. Annual membership may be obtained by application and recommendation by a current member.
    4. New member applications will be read at the next regular meeting, published in the following club newsletter, and voted on for approval at the second regular meeting following application.
  2. Privileges
    1. Annual membership is a family membership and includes you, your spouse, and any children under the age of (18) eighteen years of age for which you are the legal guardian.
    2. Annual members may use the clubs ranges and participate in all club functions subject to rules and regulations set in the by-laws. Members children under eighteen must be accompanied by an adult member at all times.
    3. Annual members and their spouse shall be entitled to one vote each when present at any meeting of business or in the election of officers, except as provided in the Constitution for voting by trustees. Members children under (18) eighteen may not vote.
    4. Annual members may be eligible to any office within the organization and or any committee that they may be appointed to.
  3. Dues
    1. New annual members dues and initiation fees will be paid with their application for membership. The amount of dues and initiation fees will be set in the by-laws. All dues and initiation fees will be returned to anyone that is not accepted for membership.
    2. Annual members dues will be paid by the last day of the month in which they joined the club. Late payment does not change your anniversary date. Members that are more than thirty days late with their payment will not receive their newsletter and lose all privileges until dues are paid in full. Members that do not pay dues for more than one year must make a new application and pay dues and initiation fees.
    3. The initiation fees for a new (18) eighteen year old member will be waived if they have been part of a family membership for at least one year prior to their application and make application before their nineteenth birthday.
    4. In the event of the death of an annual member their spouse may request a refund of the unused portion of their annual dues. Upon receiving the request the treasurer will refund (1/12) one-twelfth of the annual dues for each month remaining in that annual membership. If no request is made the spouse will remain a member and no initiation fee will be required as long as dues are kept current.


  1. Requirements
    1. Same as annual membership.
    2. Must have been an annual member at least one year.
  2. Privileges
    1. Same as annual member except that Life Membership is an individual membership with family privileges. In the event of divorce, separation, or death of the life member the spouse is no longer a member. The spouse may, within one year, apply for annual membership and the initiation fee will be waived.
  3. Dues
    1. A one time payment of ten times current annual dues plus ($100.00) one-hundred dollars life membership initiation fee. Sales tax to be paid by club. Due within (30) thirty days of election.
    2. At the request of the member life member dues may be paid in three equal payments. The first payment due within thirty days of life membership approval with the second and third due at (90) ninety day intervals. The full amount must be paid within one year. In case of failure to make any payment the amount paid will be considered as pre-payment of annual dues and another member elected to life membership. Life membership card will not be issued until full amount is paid.
    3. Life membership dues will collected by the club treasurer and used to maintain the clubs Life Membership Fund. All life membership dues will go to the Life Membership Fund until the fund equals ($100.00) one-hundred dollars times the total number of life members, at which time only the amount needed to maintain the proper amount of the fund need be deposited. Excess funds will be deposited in the clubs general fund. The Life Membership Fund will be deposited in a insured certificate of deposit at a local bank. Required deposits will be made as soon as possible as allowed by the requirements of the bank holding the certificate. Interest from the certificate of deposit may be withdrawn at the allowed intervals and put into the clubs general fund. Once established the amount of the fund may not be reduced even if the number of life members decline. The money of the fund may only be withdrawn and spent by a (5/7) five-seventh majority vote of the trustees and only to protect the club from loss in the event the general fund is depleted. Any withdrawal from the Life Membership Fund must be reported to the members at the next monthly meeting by the treasurer.
  4. Selection
    1. Selection of new life members will be once a year at the clubs regular June meeting and based on the total number of members at that time.
    2. The total number of life members will not exceed (30%) thirty percent of the total membership which include endowment, life, and annual members. If the clubs membership declines deceased life members will not be replaced until the total of life members falls below (30%) thirty percent of total membership.
    3. Life membership may be requested by any annual member. New life members will be selected by the trustees and approved by a majority vote. The selected members will be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the regular June meeting. New life members will be selected based on their activity and contribution to the club.


  1. Requirements
    1. Same as life membership.
  2. Privileges
    1. Same as life member.
  3. Selection
    1. Life endowment membership may be obtained by application or by recommendation of any member.
    2. The application or recommendation may be presented at any regular club meeting.
    3. The proposed endowment membership will be voted on by the trustees and the amount of the endowment set at the next trustee meeting. A (5/7) five-seventh vote to accept or reject the membership or the endowment.
    4. The applicant will be informed of the trustees decision and the applicants acceptance returned to the next regular club meeting. At said regular meeting the application for life endowment membership will be voted on by the members present. A majority vote necessary for approval. Payment of amount of the endowment agreed upon will be due from applicant within (30) thirty days of this meeting. Failure to make payment voids the application.
    5. Life endowment membership may be awarded to any member for outstanding past service and or contribution. Any member may recommend such award. Awarding of life endowment membership must be approved by (5/7) five-seventh approval vote by trustees and (75%) seventy-five percent approval vote of members at the January annual meeting.
  4. Life Endowment Membership Funds
    1. The use and disposition of any funds or property received from life endowment memberships will be decided by majority vote of the trustees.


  1. Purpose
    1. Mutual recognition by the officers and trustees of Tusco Rifle Club Inc. for unselfish and outstanding support of the object and purpose of Tusco Rifle Club Inc. as stated in Article II, Section A of the Constitution and for exceptional community service.
  2. Requirements
    1. Proposed honorary member must not be prohibited by any state or federal law from purchasing, owning, possessing, or using firearms.
    2. Proposed honorary member must be (18) eighteen years of age or older.
    3. The adoption of a resolution by unanimous vote of the officers and trustees conferring upon such distinguished individual the title of Honorary Member.
    4. Such Honorary Membership may be conferred temporarily, for any given time, for life, or withdrawn at the discretion of the officers and trustees. Withdrawal of Honorary Membership will be by majority vote of the officers and trustees.
    5. No initiation fees or dues will be required of Honorary Members.
    6. Honorary members that have had their Honorary Membership withdrawn may join the club as an Annual Member by meeting the normal requirements for Annual Membership. No initiation fee will be required of past Honorary members if they join the club as an Annual Member within one year of the withdrawal of their Honorary Membership.
  3. Privileges
    1. Honorary Members shall be entitled to all the privileges of any other member except that they may not vote at any club meetings or hold any office in Tusco Rifle Club.


  1. Purpose
    1. In keeping with Tusco's object and purpose Article II, Section A, #5 and #8 provide a low cost membership to assist the children of our members that elect to further their education or serve in our country's military so they can remain Tusco members.
  2. Requirements
    1. Must have been part of family membership for at least one year.
    2. Must be a full time student or enlisted in any of the armed forces of the United States.
    3. Must be (18 – 22) eighteen to twenty-two years old. Interim Membership will be limited to a maximum of (4) four years and or to a period during which the member meets all requirements.
  3. Privileges
    1. Interim Membership is an individual membership only.
    2. Interim Members may use the club ranges and participate in all club functions subject to the rules and regulations of the by-laws.
    3. Interim Members may not vote at any club meeting or hold any office in Tusco Rifle Club.
  4. Dues
    1. The amount of dues will be set in the by-laws.
    2. The initiation fee for Interim Membership will be waived until the end of the Interim Membership period. At that time the member must apply for Annual Membership and pay dues and initiation fees as set in the by-laws.


  1. In the event the conduct of any member of the Tusco Rifle Club Inc. is such as to be injurious to the general welfare and best interests of Tusco and or in violation of the constitution or by-laws a protest shall be brought to the attention of any officer or trustee for consideration and action. Any member may file a protest verbally or in writing.
  2. Any officer or trustee receiving a protest will as soon as possible, within (30) thirty days, notify the president of the club who will call a meeting of the trustees to take action on the protest.
  3. The trustee meeting to consider a protest will be closed to all members except those called to testify and provide information so as to protect the privacy and reputation of the member being protested.
  4. It will be the duty of the trustees to thoroughly investigate the protest to establish its validity. The trustees will take no action until the member being protested has been given the opportunity to answer the protest brought against him. After consideration of all evidence and testimony the trustees may by majority vote:
    1. Declare the protest invalid and inform the member filing the protest of their decision.
    2. Reprimand the protested member.
    3. Limit the protested members privileges.
    4. Expel the protested member from membership either permanently or for a period of time.
  5. The trustees will inform the protested member of any and all action taken against them by registered mail. The decision of the trustees will be considered final in (30) thirty days or after the next regular club meeting which ever occurs second unless the protested member requests due process by the membership at the next regular club meeting.
  6. The dues of members expelled from the club will be refunded as follows:
    1. Annual member dues refunded will be reduced by (1/12) one-twelfth of the annual dues amount from their anniversary date to the effective date of their expulsion for each month they were a member.
    2. Life membership dues refunded will be reduced by the number of years of life membership times the current amount of annual dues.
    3. Annual and life membership initiation fees and endowments are non refundable.
  7. Membership at Tusco Rifle Club is a family membership and the expulsion of any family member voids that family membership. However the spouse of the expelled member may apply for annual membership as a new member. The expelled member will not be part of the new family membership if it is accepted.


  1. Any member that has filed a protest or has had action taken against him as the result of a protest filed against him and feels he has not been properly treated under ARTICLE III SECTION F or ARTICLE IV SECTION E of the Constitution shall receive due process as described here to follow:
    1. The member may at the next regular club meeting protest the action taken under ARTICLE III SECTION F or ARTICLE IV SECTION E and request due process.
    2. The presiding officer at that meeting will appoint a committee to review the action taken by the trustees under ARTICLE III SECTION F or ARTICLE IV SECTION E.
    3. The committee will consist of at least (5) five but not more than (10) ten Life Members or Annual Members with at least (5) five years continuous membership that are not currently trustees or involved with the original protest.
    4. The committee will hold such meetings as necessary to elect an executive head of the committee and prepare for a hearing of all members involved.
    5. All members involved will be given written advance notice of the date, time, and location of a hearing to be held by the committee together with a written copy of the allegations and an invitation to attend the hearing. Only invited individuals, the protesting member and his witnesses, and members of the committee will attend the hearing.
    6. The members of the committee will at the conclusion of the hearing make a recommendation decided by majority vote to the members at the next regular club meeting held after the hearing to uphold or reject the action taken by the trustees under ARTICLE III SECTION F or ARTICLE IV SECTION E.
    7. If the committee elects to uphold the action of the trustees the decision is final and that action will take effect at once.
    8. If the committee elects by majority vote to reject the action of the trustees or can not make a recommendation by majority vote a special meeting will be announced in the club newsletter to be held in conjunction with the next regular club meeting and the members present will vote to uphold or reject the action taken by the trustees. A (2/3) two-thirds majority vote is necessary. The decision at this meeting will be final.


  1. Under extreme financial emergency all memberships except Honorary Memberships may be assessed under the following conditions:
    1. The trustees may by majority vote call a special meeting to be announced in the club newsletter for the purpose of voting by all voting members present to asses all members and to set the amount said assessment. A (2/3) two-thirds majority vote is necessary to assess membership.



  1. The officers of Tusco Rifle Club shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
  2. The President and Vice President of Tusco Rifle Club shall not receive a salary or payment for the performance of their regular duties.


  1. The President and Vice President of Tusco Rifle Club shall have been active members at least (1) one year immediately preceding their election.
  2. If requested by majority vote of the Board of Directors the Treasurer may be required to be bonded at club expense and any candidate for Treasurer must be qualified to be bonded.
  3. Office of Treasurer: The Treasurer of Tusco Rifle Club will be appointed by the President and approved by a majority vote of the Trustees. Applicants will submit an application and resume in writing listing the following: job qualifications, job experience, job knowledge, computer skills. Job performance will be reviewed on an annual basis, or more frequently if necessary. Treasurer will be paid on a per hour basis. Compensation will be recommended by the President and approved by a majority vote of the Trustees.
  4. Office of the Secretary: The Secretary of Tusco Rifle Club will be appointed by the President and approved by a majority vote of the Trustees. Applicants will submit an application and resume in writing listing the following: job qualifications, job experience, job knowledge, computer skills. Job performance will be reviewed on an annual basis, or more frequently if necessary. Secretary will be paid on a per hour basis. Compensation will be recommended by the President and approved by a majority vote of the Trustees.


  1. The qualified candidates for the offices of the President and Vice President shall be nominated verbally by any member and elected by a majority vote of the voting members present at the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting being the first regular meeting held after January 1, each year. Voting members shall be paid up Annual, Life, and Life Endowment members (18) eighteen years of age or older and shall have one vote each for the office of President and Vice President.
  2. The President and Vice President will each serve a two year term. The terms of the President and Vice President will not coincide with one another. President will be elected in odd number years, the Vice President elected in even number years.
  3. The President and Vice President may be re-elected by the voting members at the Annual Meeting.
  4. Any officer may resign their office at any time they may become unable or unwilling to fulfill their duties.
  5. To resign their office the officer must submit their resignation in writing at any regular club meeting in person or by any one they choose to represent them.
  6. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President and hold that office until the next annual election. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-President, Treasurer, or Secretary the office will be filled by appointment by the President and approved by majority vote of the Trustees at the next regular club meeting. The appointed officer will hold office until the next annual election.
  7. No member may be elected or appointed to serve as an Officer and Trustee at the same time.


  1. Duties of the President.
    1. The President shall be the executive head of Tusco Rifle Club and will preside at all special, regular, and Board of Directors meetings. It will be the Presidents duty to inform all concerned members with at least (3) three days notice of any special meetings of the club or Board of Directors.
    2. The President may appoint committees or individuals as necessary to maintain the functions of Tusco Rifle Club. Appointments will be approved by a majority vote of the trustees. All committees will report directly to the President at the clubs regular meetings unless instructed to do otherwise by the President.
    3. The President will co-sign all checks written on the clubs account and authorize all cash payments made by the Treasurer for expenses approved by the Trustees and bills approved for payment by the members at a regular club meeting.
  2. Duties of the Vice-President.
    1. The Vice-President shall assist the President when called upon to do so by the President.
    2. In the case of absence or disability of the President the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.
    3. The Vice-President will be responsible for maintaining a calendar of club events and schedule the use of the clubhouse and all ranges for all events approved by the President and the Board of Directors.
    4. The Vice-President will attend all meetings of the Board of Directors.
  3. Duties of the Treasurer.
    1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of accurate up to date records of all transactions, money, and depositories of Tusco Rifle Club.
    2. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the issuance of membership cards, the collection of dues, and all other miscellaneous funds.
    3. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the disposition of all funds in the clubs depositories which will include the following:
    4. A checking account that requires the signatures of the Treasurer and the President or Vice-President to cash or issue a check.
    5. A savings account for excess funds not needed for present expenses that requires the signatures of (3) three trustees for any withdrawal or transfer of funds.
    6. A Certificate of Deposit account for the Life Membership Fund that requires the signatures of (3) three trustees for any withdrawal or transfer of funds.
    7. The Treasurer will be responsible for the on time payment of all of the clubs bills and debts.
    8. Maintain monthly payroll records.
    9. Preparation of monthly/quarterly tax returns.
    10. Preparation and submission of various financial grants
    11. The Treasurer will give a financial report at every regular club meeting and whenever requested by the Board of Directors. The report will include all money on hand, in the club depositories, collected, and paid out in the last month. In addition the Treasurer will report on all bills currently due for payment and ask for a majority vote of the voting members present for approval to pay said bills. In the event a bill must be paid before the next regular club meeting the Trustees may approve payment of the bill by majority vote. The payment of said bill will be reported by the Treasurer at the next regular club meeting.
    12. The Treasurer will attend all meetings of the Board of Directors.
  4. Duties of the Secretary.
    1. The Secretary will keep records of the proceedings of all regular and special club meetings and all Board of Directors meetings.
    2. The Secretary will at every regular monthly club meeting read the minutes of the previous months regular meeting to be voted on by the voting members present and approved by majority vote.
    3. The Secretary will at every regular monthly club meeting read the minutes of all special meetings and Board of Directors meetings held since the last regular club meeting.
    4. The Secretary will at every regular monthly club meeting read the names of all proposed new members and the names of all new members to be voted on at that meeting and record the names in the minutes of the meeting.


  1. In the event the conduct of any officer of Tusco Rifle Club is such as to be injurious to the general welfare and best interest of Tusco and or in violation of the constitution or by-laws and/or charged with misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office said officer may be impeached and or disciplined.
  2. Any member may protest the conduct of any officer by following the procedures in Article III, Section F of the constitution.
    1. In the event the protested officer is the President the Vice-President will assume the duties of the President as stated in Article III, Section F.
  3. Any charges or protests brought against any officer will be handled as stated in Article III, Section F of the constitution, discipline and expulsion of members. Any protested officer may, if requested by them, receive due process under Article III, Section G.



  1. The Board of Directors will consist of (7) seven Trustees.
  2. No Trustee will receive a salary or payment for the performance of their regular duties.


  1. Trustees will be a Life Member or an annual member that has been active in the club for at least (3) three consecutive years.
    1. Annual Member candidates must be approved by majority vote of Officers and Trustees to qualify.


  1. The qualified candidates for Trustee shall be nominated verbally by any member and elected by a majority vote of the voting members present at the Annual Meeting.
    1. The Annual Meeting being the first regular meeting held after January 1 each year.
    2. Voting members shall be paid up Annual, Life, and Life Endowment members (18) eighteen years of age or older and shall have one vote each for the open Trustee position(s).
  2. Trustees will be elected to serve for a period of (3) three years.
  3. Any Trustee consenting may be re-elected by the voting members at the Annual Meeting.
  4. Any Trustee may resign their office at any time they may become unable or unwilling to fulfill their duties.
    1. To resign their office the Trustee must submit their resignation in writing at any regular club meeting in person or by any one they may choose to represent them.
  5. In the event of a vacancy in one of the Trustee positions the President will, at the next regular meeting, appoint a qualified member to fill that position. That member must be approved by majority vote of the remaining Trustees and will serve until the next Annual Meeting. At the next Annual Meeting a qualified member will be elected by the voting members to serve the time remaining in that Trustee position.
  6. No member may be elected or appointed to serve as Trustee and Officer at the same time.


  1. The Board of Directors will be the governing body of Tusco Rifle Club and will be responsible for and control all funds and assets of the organization. The Board is required to get bids on projects over ($2000.00) two thousand dollars excluding emergencies and maintenance.
  2. The Board of Directors will have the power to approve or disapprove the actions or recommendations of any and all members, committees, and officers of Tusco Rifle Club.
  3. The Board of Directors will have full power to take such actions that are necessary to attain maximum operating efficiency and give substance to the purposes of the organization.
  4. The board of Directors will be responsible to ensure all business' and activities of Tusco Rifle Club are carried out in a legal manner according to the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization.
  5. The Board of Directors will not contract loans or indebtedness against Tusco Rifle Club with out the approval of the membership by (3/4) three-quarters majority vote at a special meeting that all members have been notified of at least (3) three days in advance.
  6. The Board of Directors will not buy, sell, or rent land, mineral, or timber rights without the approval of the membership by (3/4) three-quarter majority vote at a special meeting that all members have been notified of at least (3) three days in advance.
    1. The Board of Directors may contract with one individual club member to reside on the club property as the club resident to provide security and perform such duties as agreed on.
  7. The Board of Directors will not invest or allow club funds to be invested in anything other than an insured checking account, savings account, or certificate of deposit.
  8. The Trustees will not be held personally financially responsible for debts of Tusco Rifle Club as long as they have conducted business legally and according to the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization.


  1. A (4/7) four-sevenths majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting and transacting business.
  2. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least once a month. The meetings will be scheduled on some regular basis to allow all concerned to plan to attend. Emergency meetings may be held any time a quorum is present and time or conditions prevent the notification of all Trustees.
  3. All Board of Director meetings will be attended by all Officers and Trustees and they should be excused only for good reason.
  4. The President will preside at all scheduled Board of Director meetings and may schedule special Board of Director meetings with (3) three days notice to all Officers and Trustees.
  5. Officers will have no vote at Board of Director meetings but must attend to help provide information to the Trustees and represent all club members to ensure all business is conducted lawfully and according to the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization.
  6. Normally all Board of Director meetings are open to any club member(s) but they may not participate unless asked to do so by an Officer or Trustee or the member(s) has made a request in advance to address the Board of Directors.
  7. The Board of Directors may at the request of any Trustee or Officer meet in a closed door executive meeting with only the Officers and Trustees present. All decisions and actions taken in an executive session will be recorded by the Secretary and reported at the next regular club meeting. Only information that could cause embarrassment or violate the privacy of a club member(s) may be kept confidential by the Trustees and Officers.


  1. In the event the conduct of a Trustee of Tusco Rifle Club is such as to be injurious to the general welfare and best interest of Tusco and or in violation of the Constitution or By-Laws and or charged with misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance while serving on the Board of Directors said Trustee may be impeached or disciplined.
  2. Any member may protest the conduct of any Trustee by following the procedures in Article III, Section F of the Constitution.
  3. The President will assume the duties and powers of the protested Trustee until the protested Trustee is cleared of all charges or found guilty and replaced according to Article V, Section C, #5.
  4. Any protested Trustee that has been disciplined under Article III, Section F may, if requested by them, receive Due Process under Article III, Section G.



  1. The organization may adopt such By-Laws as are necessary or desirable to implement the provisions of the Constitution and create rules of conduct and safety that all members will follow while on Tusco Rifle Club property or representing the organization. Such By-Laws will be adopted or changed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors and by a (3/4) three-fourths majority vote of the voting members present at a regular meeting or annual meeting.



  1. This Constitution may only be amended at the Annual Meeting or at a Special Meeting which all members have been given notice of at least (3) three days in advance. Said Special Meeting will have no other business conducted at that meeting. A (3/4) three-fourths majority vote of the voting members present being necessary to amend the Constitution. Any member that intends to propose an amendment at the Annual Meeting will inform the Board of Directors of the amendment to be proposed at least (45) forty-five days prior to the Annual Meeting.